Dipthich (My studio around Thoreu’s cabin around pillar and my studio around Kadzinsky’s cabin around pillar)

cm 305x457x2, cm 300x306

Diptych (My studio around Thoreau’s cabin around pillar and my studio around Kaczynski's cabin around pillar) consists in two metal bars 21.72 m long – the perimeter of the artist studio – with a square section of 2x2 cm. The bars are folded several times to become two rectangles, one of them measures 305x 457 cm (the same dimensions of the shed of Thoreau) and the second 300x306 cm (the same dimensions of the shed of Unabomber). Each rectangle will be placed around a column. At regular intervals 8 performers, 4 for sculpture, will lift on their heads the perimeters of the rectangles and rotate around the column, one group will move clockwise and the other anticlockwise, like two planets that rotate in different directions.