Ash Horizon
Stone, cigar's ash,
cm 20x166,5x20
A Column/Plinth 166,5 higher, as the height of the artist, had been taken from a Stone block not polished but held in its natural ash grey colour. The column is 20 cm larger and 20 deeper and at 8,5 cm from one of its edges the column had been cutted again with a saw disk which takes away 11 mm of material, the waste. This way the column had been divided in two pieces, one piee is 157 cm higher as the distance from the eyes of the artist and the ground, and the other one is 8,5 cm higher as the distance from the top of the artist's eyes to the top of his skull. The 11 mm waste taken with the saw must been replaced by 1 cm of cigar's ash collected by the artist over the time, the cigars smoked by the artits self. The column/plinth composed got the artist height again. The centimeter of ash is placed at the height of the artist's eyes.